segunda-feira, 12 de julho de 2010

The Good and the Evil

The whisper turns into cannon shot in a crowd

An enigmatic voice from the dark whispers in a naive ear.
It speaks of riches and glory and power.
Riches to buy wealth.
Glory to buy rewards.
Power to buy friends.
But the whisper is a lie.

The whisper grows.
It passes from ear to ear turning it from the truth.
Eyes light up with hope for an easy life.
The whisper asks only to be listened to.
To be the leader for a life without strife.

Families sprout with the lie for a companion.
It lives with them, directing its biding.
Fathers and mothers teach the young.
The lie now has a foothold on the future.

Children listen to the whispers teachings, learning from them.
They teach their friends, who tell theirs, corrupting the innocent.
Race comes forth, perpetuating an idea.
Greed swells, filling the pockets with gold.
Hatred screams as it comes into its own.

The whisper turns into cannon shot in a crowd.
It races from ear to ear, instantly changing those who are good.
The crowd moves like one living mass.
Changing and morphing into evil.

Good speaks softly, but with unrelenting force.
It stands its ground against the evil, dreaming of harmony and the legacy of freedom.
Fathers and mothers teach the young.
Good speaks of peace, serenity, and the bravery of life.

Love and knowledge spring from that life.
Knowledge fathers dreams, dreams that build the future.
It pushes, driving the evil away from the naive then cowers in the corner, where it waits once again.
The naive are transformed and sent on the path of love once more.

By: Bruce Alan Humphrey

Pessoas, esse poema fala do mal e sua influência sobre as pessoas, como isso transforma os outros e em quais áreas eles atuam, por exemplo:

It speaks of riches and glory and power. / O sussurro fala de riquezas e glória e poder.
Riches to buy wealth. / Riquezas para comprar mais riquezas (ou fortunas)
Glory to buy rewards. / Glória para comprar recompensas
Power to buy friends / Poder para comprar amigos.

Além de que fala da perpetuação do mal. Os pais ouvem, ensinam os filhos e então os filhos ensinam os filhos.
Mas depois fala do bem, e como ele transforma o mal, sendo suave, falando da braveza da vida, falando de paz e serenidade. Então o amor e a sabedoria servem de base para construir o futuro, e levam o mal embora.
Bem, se eu traduzisse o poema todo, não ficaria bom. Então resumi e coloquei em português. xD

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